Death is not a topic many of us are comfortable speaking about, but it’s something that we’ll all have to face at some point in our lives, whether it’s family, friends, or those we’ve gotten to know at the office. While the latter may not seem like it would have as much impact as the former two, it can truly cause emotional turmoil. Coworkers are the people we spend most of our waking hours with, so the loss of one can leave a consistently visible void that we’re reminded of daily. Critical Incidents Employer Services offers expert advice on coping with grief in the workplace.
Don’t bottle it up.
However you may feel, always know that you are not alone in this. Others are right there with you, feeling that loss. Chances are, one of your colleagues is feeling the same way as you. Know that opening up your feelings and expressing the emotions that you are experiencing is the most tried-and-true way to navigate your grief and help you get through this troubling time.
Use your resources.
Most times, when there is a tragic loss at the office, employers will offer some sort of professional assistance (e.g. counselors) to come in and stand by for those who are in need of additional support to process their feelings. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. While you may feel that you can get through the situation on your own, professionals are trained to give you pointed advice that will help you traverse a healthy path of coping, helping you come to terms with your loss.
Plan ahead.
If you’re a human resources employee, this can be exceptionally helpful for the people in your company. Planning ahead for the worst-case scenario that you one day lose a coworker unexpectedly can help make sure you have the resources in place to help everyone cope if that tragic day should ever occur. Have a plan of action for not only helping staffers to come to terms with their own grief but also for managing the personal effects of the departed. You’ll want to be able to help facilitate a smooth transition while simultaneously being sure to acknowledge what happened and offer support to those in need.
It’s in cases like these that Critical Incidents Employer Services offers its specialized services. Our team of talented, dedicated, and trained professionals is well-equipped to come into your office when your staff may be feeling at its lowest and help them process their feelings. We can help those who are coping with grief in the workplace to find peace in the wake of their suffering so that you all can get back on track, and return a sense of normalcy to your office.
We’re here for you. Contact out team of experts today to help you and your coworkers in this time of need.